With I Quit Sugar’s revolutionary 8-Week Program just around the corner, there’s no better time to kick that sugar habit. To guarantee you hit the ground running, we’ve united our team of experts from around the country, specialising in a range of industries – from naturopathy to personal training.
We’re pumped to introduce our panel, all of whom are leaders in their respective fields and will be dropping exclusive content to help you achieve your health goals during our program. We’ve barred no holds in bringing you the top experts and they’re ready to spill all their top tips and tricks to living healthily and happily.
Here’s everything you’ll want to know about the panel we’ve assembled:
Tahlia Swartz
Introducing Tahlia, a Bachelor Qualified naturopath with a specialisation in hormone and gut health. This passionate practitioner is ready to bring her knowledge, compassion and deep understanding of gut health to the 8-Week Program.
"Tahlia takes a root cause approach in her practice, utilising pathology and functional testing as well as nutrition and herbal medicine to help her clients uncover and heal their symptoms. Tahlia has completed 7 years of university study as well as 4 years of clinical practice working with hundreds of women all over the world. Tahlia offers her signature ‘Gut Reset’ program in clinic as well as 1:1 work, clinical mentorship, masterclasses and online education."
Website: https://tahliaswartznaturopath.com/
Instagram: @tahliaswartz_naturopath
TikTok: @tahliaswartznaturopath
Shea Morrison
Meet Shea, your go-to sleep aficionado and pioneering co-founder of The Goodnight Co. The sleep expert’s biggest goal is to help us all get a better night’s sleep – she’s identified the issues standing between us and some refreshing shut-eye, and now she’s ready to employ research-backed techniques to help us get to sleep – and stay asleep.
"Sleep and wellness is where I want to be, because I know we can make a genuine difference to people’s lives.
Considering how drastically a poor night’s sleep can affect our sugar cravings, Shea’s keen to share her wisdom with us to have us tackling all the compounding factors that have got us feeling worse for wear. We’re pretty excited to have her on the team as she’s helped people all around the globe manage their sleep, and continues to share her sage advice and toolkit through The Goodnight Co podcast, along with her sleep workshops and coaching. Read more about her work on her website: The Goodnight Co.
Instagram: @thegoodnightco
Sydney Greene
Sydney is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who is excited to bring her extensive skills, passion and joy for nutrition and food to the 8-Week Program. The Greene Health founder has a strong understanding of how interwoven mental health is with food and how so many of us struggle to manage our relationship with eating and exercising – not to mention the stresses put upon us by society.
“As a teenager, I obsessed over my appearance.,” Sydney writes. “I picked myself apart every chance I could, and spent more time in front of the mirror than I care to admit. My life was dictated by thoughts of “what should I eat next?” and my workout schedule.”
The nutritionist is all about “honesty, compassion, accountability and willingness to heal”, and she’ll be joining us to share some of her tips to recovering and redefining your relationship with food. Get excited for exclusive content on the fast-approaching 8-Week Program with this health expert. Learn more about Sydney over on her website.
Instagram: @greenehealth
Kelly Corbishley
Kelly first started practising yoga back in 2014, introduced by her beloved teacher Colleen Dobson.
“Yoga became my passion, and when Colleen passed away, I realised that without her introducing me to yoga, I don’t know where I might be right now,” The Queensland-based teacher said. “Yoga has become my “attitude adjustment”, and I needed this practice every week. And I want to give that to other people who may need it too.”
The yoga guru is passionate about building a supportive “community within a community” to help others boost their physical and mental health. She’s fully qualified with the Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training Certificate, having first started teaching students back in 2017. She’s now undergoing her Level 2 training, along with levels 1 and 2 mindfulness training as she teaches classes in Emerald, Queensland.
Kelly is keen to share her wisdom with our 8-Week Program members and will providing exclusive yoga content to keep everyone feeling their best – both mentally and physically. Learn more about her on her website HERE.
Instagram: @kelly_little_gem_yoga
Kira Simpson
Our latest expert, Kira, is an environmentalist and educator, but you probably know her as the founder of ethical blog The Green Hub. While it started in 2015 as a personal blog to document her goal to reduce plastic waste, it has become one of the country's biggest sustainable living websites "aimed at inspiring and supporting people to learn how to reduce waste and live more intentionally." The digital creator aims to guide and empower people to make more sustainable choices and lifestyle changes.
Kira believes that, "small actions can add up to make a big difference. And while our individual actions may not save the planet, the culture shift we’re creating will."
Check out the Greenhub HERE.
Instagram: @thegreenhub_
Sarah Glover
You might recognise Sarah from her award-winning cookbooks, Wild and Wild Child, where she shared her philosophy on cooking as a community and making the most of our natural surroundings and capabilities – whether you decide to get your chef on by a cliffside campsite or in the comfort of your own home. Classically trained chef and pastry chef, Sarah decided to explore the world to widen her culinary horizons – from Bondi Beach to Brooklyn in the United States, this Tassie native set out to find the best ways to create uncomplicated but delicious meals the whole family will enjoy.
Sarah will be providing exclusive new recipes for the 8-Week Program. The Aussie chef will also be putting on live Sunday Cook-ups to really get you inspired to whip up tasty, nutritious food, along with helping you get involved in our supportive Facebook group for our program members. It will make entertaining and feeding a crowd look easy, even while you're doing the program! Check out her website HERE.
Instagram: @misssarahglover
Libby Babet
You probably recognise this health and fitness powerhouse as one of the trainers from the Aussie TV hit, The Biggest Loser, but she’s also a speaker, presenter, author and the founder of The Upbeat Fitness Studio in Sydney, and she’s on a mission to show people how to make exercise accessible and fun instead of a chore. The mum of 2 says it’s all about changing the way we approach it.
“I’m all about making nutrition simple and easy to understand, and making fitness fun, exciting and interesting. For me, it’s not about chasing the perfect body, counting calories or obsessing about exercise to reach a goal.”
Libby will be hosting workouts from her brand The Upbeat, which combine strength, dance, no-contact boxing and elements of pilates – and all to the beat of the music. You can look forward to a series of full-body workouts to get you building muscle tone and strength, enjoying a good dose of cardio and having fun at the same time. Libby is passionate about living healthily and happily – it’s why she started Chief Nutrition. The snacking brand offers a range of nutritious, convenient products to keep you at peak performance.
Check out Libby's website HERE.
Instagram: @libbybabet, @theupbeatbondi, @chief.nutrition
Jennifer Ward
This senior naturopath owns Hälsa Health, a naturopathic clinic centred around women’s health and fertility. Jennifer believes in backing natural solutions to turn our health goals into a reality. But that’s not all – she’s also highly-qualified in prescribing herbal and nutritional medicine, and she knows well the importance of wholistic health. With a long-term approach to wellbeing, Jennifer aims to empower you to leave the program with the skills and confidence to navigate your future of healthy living.
As a mum herself, Jennifer knows the importance of getting the whole family involved in the nutrition process – she’ll be sharing her tried-and-true tips and tricks to working together to achieve and maintain your health goals. For those of you out there who are pregnant or try to get pregnant, our expert naturopath will be providing a toolkit to help you navigate this challenging time.
Instagram: @jenniferwardnaturopath
Bianca Monley
Bianca has long been in the nutrition game, having established an innovative business for fresh, well-balanced home-delivered meals in 2002 – but it goes back further than that. She was born into a family of restaurateurs in New Zealand – the foodie's paradise – giving her passion for food an early start. Now, she’s well known for her Eat Fit Food health food brand which relies on locally-sourced, affordable ingredients to create delicious and convenient ready-made meals delivered straight to your door.
Her latest endeavour, Lifely, is all about providing people with high-quality, nutritious and fresh meals – whether you’re a family of 5 or a single office worker living alone, Bianca’s got something to keep you healthy, minus the hassle and stress. The mum of 3 knows how hard juggling family life with work, nutrition and all those other essentials we need to cram into our daily schedule can be. That’s why it’s her aim to make our load that much lighter by taking one thing off our plates.
Instagram: @biancamonley
Kate Holm
Kate is a naturopath, nutritionist, health educator and speaker. She’s also the founder of Holism Health Co. – an online naturopathic clinic and postpartum meal delivery service designed to support women and their families through the challenges of preconception, pregnancy and postpartum.
As a mum of 2, Kate has firsthand experience with the guidance, support and health needs of new mothers. She’s passionate about creating a healthy foundation for future generations and believes it all starts with the way we eat. She pairs scientific knowledge with naturopathic philosophy to provide informed, personalised and holistic health and wellness solutions. Take a look at her website HERE to learn more about Kate and keep updated on her exclusive tips for everyone undertaking the 8-Week Program!
Instagram: @kateholm_
Anthea Counsel
Anthea is a certified Mat and Reformer Pilates instructor based in Melbourne. Working at Melbourne based studios Sum of Us and Salt Pilates, she has developed an On-Demand Pilates Library with extensive workout sessions focused on meeting you where you’re at. If you’re struggling with mobility or pain, Anthea’s got you covered. She understands the difficulties of chronic pain as a long-term sufferer herself.
“As a fibromyalgia warrior, I believe movement is the best medicine for our bodies. Keeping strong is my key to maintaining a happy and healthy body.”
Anthea has the top tips for managing your health in a safe, balanced and comfortable way. Check out her website to learn all about her philosophy on forging a healthy lifestyle and catch exclusive content on the I Quit Sugar program.
Instagram: @antheapilates
Jessica Allen
Jessica is a clinical psychologist located in Melbourne. She specialises in young people and parents going through the perinatal stage, while also helping patients manage depression, anxiety, personality disorders, relationship difficulties, eating disorders and trauma. With experience across clinical and educational settings, Jessica is now working with Orygen Digital in digital mental health program planning and implementation.
Jessica believes in a holistic approach to mental health that takes diet and lifestyle into account. She understands the monumental impact sugar can have on us and is dedicated to helping people improve their quality of life – starting with what we put on our plates.
Instagram: @jess.psychology
Leila DiQuinzio
Leila is a qualified naturopath based in Melbourne, specialising in chronic digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and leaky gut. She is passionate about eating a well-balanced diet, while still enjoying food; she believes it doesn’t have to be a chore, and is keen to show us all how to manage our health – and enjoy it, too.
“By addressing the cause of your problems, and creating a nourishing and achievable plan, my goal is for you to feel calm, resilient and in control of your health.”
Leila will be blessing us with some of her best guidance and tips to succeed in our upcoming sugar-free program, so check out her website and stay tuned!
Instagram: @leila.naturopath
Kat John
Kat is an authenticity coach, keynote speaker and the multi-talented host of popular podcastREAL RAW RELATABLE.She has shared her experiences with childhood sexual abuse, bulimia and drug addiction, along with chronic pain and brain surgery and is dedicated to supporting others to manage their thoughts and worries in order to make space for the inner wisdom inside all of us.
Kat has spent 16 years developing her mind and treating her body with kindness and respect. She’s keen to drop some authentic tips and techniques to keep you going during our life-changing 8-Week Program. You’re in good hands! Take a wander over to Kat’s website to learn more about her experience and teachings.
Instagram: @kat.john
We hope these expert panellists have gotten you pumped to kick off the 8-Week Program. With their guidance at your fingertips and access to exclusive recipes and meal plans, you’ll have all you need to take control of your health journey.
8-Week Program Registrations NOW OPEN!
Join our program HERE and get ready to transform your life!