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“It’s like mum porn basically”: How Alice Smashed Her Sugar Addiciton on the 8-Week Program

Mum of two Alice joined the 8-Week Program with the simple goal of taming her sugar addiction – but when she came out on the other end, she was surprised at the unexpected transformation she and her whole family had undergone. Here’s how the Aussie went from stressed and time-strapped to organised and energetic. 

As a busy mum of young boys, Alice had a few reservations about joining the program – after all, who has the time? But she says her family actually saved time and found themselves making the most of our extensive meal-prepping tips and simple, delicious recipes.

 “I found the whole process ridiculously easy. Easier in fact than leaving me to shuffle through recipes at 5pm wondering what the heck I could whip up. The structure really is the total making of the program. ‘Here’s your recipes, here’s the shopping list, go.’ How could anyone with a family not be in love with that? It’s like mum porn basically.  

With little time for meal planning and continuous snacking, sugar often found its way into Alice and her family’s meals through daily muffins and occasional treats, as she states nutrition was a “matter of survival” rather than a conscious or enjoyable activity.

Despite her sound knowledge of the effects of sugar, Alice struggled to implement a sugar-free lifestyle with a busy family to consider.

"I would often cook from the IQS cookbooks, and would say that I had a pretty sound knowledge of the effects of sugar. But it didn’t stop me indulging in a daily muffin or throwing treats the kids way to distract them (while feeling quietly guilty of course)."


For simple tips and tricks to living well, take a look at the transformative ebook yourself HERE.

Transitioning to a sugar-free lifestyle wasn't without its challenges, especially with a family in tow. However, Alice found the process surprisingly easy, thanks to the structured meal plans provided by the program. Even her young children embraced the change, with Alice finding clever ways to incorporate sugar-free alternatives into their meals and snacks.

“The initial intention was to try it by myself. My husband was nonchalant about the idea, but cooking separate meals just wasn’t going to happen. Hence everyone being dragged along for the ride!”

Yep, you're whole family can benefit from the program. Keen to boost your gut, combat sugar cravings and feel fuller for longer? Come join us for the 8-Week Program. You don’t have to buy exotic ingredients or splash your cash on new appliances; every tool you need, you’ve likely already got, and our ingredients are easily found at your local grocer. Because we know how challenging it can be to make a change in your life, and it’s the little things that make it that much easier (and fun!). Take a look at some of the exciting recipes members enjoy:
  • Kale + Cauliflower Curry Puffs
  • Raspberry Breakfast Muffins
  • Prawn + Mango Tacos
  • Swede + Cannellini Bean Soup
  • Minty Salmon Brain-Boosting Bowl
  • Savoury Crepes
  • Spiced Sicilian Stew

Who knew quitting sugar looked this good? Muffins, pancakes and tortes are all a part of our fun 8-Week Program.

Alice says she was most thankful for the invaluable support she received from the program's online forum, where she could seek advice on alternatives, recommendations for children's nutrition, and more. Having access to a community of experts made all the difference in her journey to healthy living. 

"The forum was an absolute godsend! I threw questions on that puppy every second day almost. Having a bunch of experts at your beck and call doesn’t happen often, and I was like a pig in sugar-free mud." 

While the mum of two says her young children may not have fully grasped the concept of quitting sugar, Alice found creative ways to encourage healthier eating habits. Involving them in meal prep, celebrating the inclusion of vegetables, and offering choices proved to be effective strategies in fostering a positive relationship with food.

"Children are way more resilient than people give them credit for though. I was surprised that both of them ate most of the meals (including chili)."

Since completing the program, Alice’s family has embraced a variety of sugar-free recipes, with favourites like bangers and mash becoming regulars in their meal repertoire. 

“We love the chicken stir-fry, All-In Shepard’s Pie, Beef ragu and buttery polenta, BLATT burger, skillet pulled pork nachos, paleo chicken schnitzel with sweet potato fries, middle eastern lamb and pilaf, so many!” 

Not only has the program introduced them to delicious, nutritious meals, but it has also instilled sustainable habits that minimise food waste and promote mindful eating – and with half of the fruit and veg around the world going to waste and landfill rapidly growing – not to mention that garbage vortex floating around the ocean! – it’s worth prioritising sustainability. 

"Sustainability is super important to us. We’re city dwellers that have moved to the country and have had to adjust to life without services like recycling and rubbish pick up."

For Alice, the program has been nothing short of transformative – and she says it goes beyond cutting out sugar, having empowered her to make informed choices about her health and life. With newfound energy, balance, and organisation, she's committed to continuing her sugar-free journey and embracing a holistic approach to wellness, because it’s not about that one chocolate or that one slice of cake, it’s about patterns, ongoing choices and our mental health.

Alice and her family before the 8-Week Program

"To have a really honest understanding of how well you feel when you are able to avoid sweet cravings and blow-outs is really quite something." 

Alice’s husband, Brad, has been equally enthusiastic about their sugar-free lifestyle, enjoying the benefits of proper nutrition and delicious meals. Together, they've discovered a newfound appreciation for wholesome, nourishing foods that support their overall health and happiness – and you too can bring your partner or friend onboard with you, having company can help you stay accountable and make the process a fun bonding activity.

Alice and her family after the 8-Week Program

"He’s been pleasantly surprised by the whole process and is keen to continue eating this way. From the outside in it looks like a potential ‘fad’ diet, so he was stoked to be eating proper food that was healthy as well as delicious." 

Alice’s journey to sugar-free living is a testament to the transformative power of mindful eating and holistic wellness. Through the support of the I Quit Sugar program and her own determination, she's not only improved her family's health but also cultivated sustainable habits that will last a lifetime – as we always say here at I Quit Sugar, the program is just the beginning.

"It’s all about how best to nourish yourself, why, and how to implement that into daily life. It’s all ‘cut out sugar, here’s what you eat, then let's start rebuilding piece by piece what is great for you and why,’” she says. “Not just around food either. It’s been like a restart button for my overall health."

With a renewed sense of energy, balance, and joy, Alice and her family are embracing a sugar-free lifestyle with open arms and stomachs. 

Feeling inspired? We’ve put in the hard yards so you can enjoy the benefits of an extensive, wholistic program that covers everything from learning how to manage nutrition and mental health to social situations. When you join us for the 8-Week Program you’ll have exclusive access to expert guidance, nutritional planning and support every step of the way. Take a peek at what’s on offer:

  • 8 weeks of meal plans and shopping lists.
  • A range of exclusive recipes, including sugar-free desserts, snacks and all the old favourites.
  • Community forums to share and discuss your experience.
  • Expert support to guide you through each week – from world-renowned chef Sarah Glover to yoga teachers, nutritionists and naturopaths. 

Don’t wait, JOIN NOW!

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