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Community Stories

Michal was diagnosed with bowel cancer at 57 years of age – but it was through her own advocation that she got her life-saving treatment. Here’s how her life turned upside down in a matter of days, how she responded and what she wants all of us to know about cancer. 

65-year-old Wendy Carson has lived with sleep apnoea since she was 37 – she shares her journey to find answers, along with dismissive attitudes towards the potentially deadly condition. Here’s what she wants you to know about sleep apnoea.

After being first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease in 2001, Samantha Hoareau was relieved to put a name to the collection of symptoms that had been plaguing her life. But juggling medication, professionals and treatment plans remains an ongoing process – here’s how she’s managing her wellbeing while dealing with a lesser-known, highly underdiagnosed condition.  

After struggling through years of eating disorders, depression, anxiety and all the medications that her doctors prescribed, Samantha Boyce finally found out why she had felt different since childhood. ADHD was the culprit behind her overwhelming experiences through all facets of life – this is how she finally found out, and the tumultuous journey she took to get there.

After the birth of her third child, Tara Whaley was told her baby had Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare disease affecting just 350,000 people or 1 in 15, 000 births. The 45-year-old fashion designer shares her story, including how the condition has affected her family’s lives and her fears and hopes for the future.

Australian mum Danielle Gallan joined the IQS 8-Week Program to combat her chronic pain and kick her sugar habit to the curb after dealing with growing concerns around insulin resistance and her long-standing PCOS condition.

With the Yolngu community in north-eastern Arnhem Land facing crisis-level diabetes rates, Jordan Ponder dives into the causes of chronic illness in Indigenous communities, along with sharing effective solutions to tackle this crisis.

Suzanne’s perimenopause symptoms have been debilitating, having affected her life, family and career drastically. But as she would soon find out, the roadblocks to treatment and support were built up high, leaving herself and countless other women to advocate for themselves to health professionals. Here’s how she did it.

Sam Tomlinson dropped 8 kilos, ditched her sugary comfort foods and transformed her mindset after quitting sugar on the 8-Week Program. Here’s how she did it. 

Karen Hunt is one of many women with ADHD struggling with pervasive symptoms and little support. The 57-year-old shares her experience in a world that's sorely lacking education and understanding around the common neurodivergent condition. Plus, we’ll be unpacking the reasons behind the great diagnoses gap between males and females.

Harp and Banks creator Michelle O’Brien shares her health journey during the process of quitting sugar on the 8-Week Program – from her battle with fibromyalgia to PCOS. The mum of 2 dives into the importance of community support on the path to health and happiness.

Danielle Gallan recently joined the 8-Week Program to kick sugar to the curb after dealing with growing concerns around insulin resistance and her long-standing PCOS condition. The 39-year-old decided to take her health back into her own hands – here’s how she did it.

I Quit Sugar Recipes KFC Chicken

New Year 8-Week Program Registrations Are NOW OPEN!

Claim your spot and get full access to 8 weeks of delicious nutritionist designed recipes and meal plans (complete with shopping lists!), expert guidance by our health and wellness panel, plus gentle movement, meditation podcasts & more!

Save 20% Off your membership when you join TODAY! Hurry, spots are limited!

94% of 8WP Graduates would recommend the Program.

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