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6 Ways You're Unwittingly Dehydrating Yourself

Staying hydrated is essential for pretty much every part of your body, but there are several common habits that can unknowingly leave you high and dry. While some of these habits may seem harmless (and most of us do them at some time or other!), they do add up. 

Excessive Caffeine Consumption

Many of us rely on coffee or tea to kickstart our mornings or stay alert throughout the day. However, caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can increase urine production and lead to fluid loss. If you consume an excessive amount of caffeine, it can contribute to dehydration. To mitigate this effect, balance your caffeine intake with an equal or greater amount of water to ensure you stay hydrated.

High Salt Intake

A diet rich in salt can lead to dehydration - but we're not talking a sprinkle here and there, we're talking ultra-processed, salt-laden foods that shoot you over the limit. Sodium attracts water and can cause your body to retain it, leading to increased thirst. Processed foods, restaurant meals, and snacks often contain high levels of the stuff – just take a look at the back of the package, you might not even realise how much you’re eating! Some of your favourite premade soups pack a whopping 1300 mg of salt in just a cup. Yikes. That's around 65% of the daily upper limit, but we really only need between 460 and 920 mg of salt per day, depending on your weight and size. Intakes above 2,000mg per day are associated with high blood pressure, so it's worth aiming far below that number. To counteract the risks, opt for whole, unprocessed foods as these are naturally lower in sodium, unlike canned soups, supermarket breads and ready-made meals.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is another diuretic that can lead to dehydration. When you drink alcoholic beverages, your body loses fluids through increased urination. Additionally, alcohol can suppress the sensation of thirst, making it easier to become dehydrated without realising it. If you consume alcohol, balance it with water and consider alternating alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones to stay hydrated. 

Sweating Without Rehydration

Engaging in physical activities or spending time in hot environments can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat. Failing to replenish these lost fluids can result in dehydration. Always drink water before, during, and after exercise or exposure to heat, and consider electrolyte-replenishing beverages for particularly strenuous activities.

Rehydrating after exercise is crucial to help your body recover and replace the fluids and electrolytes lost during physical activity. Proper rehydration ensures that your muscles and organs function optimally and reduces the risk of dehydration-related issues. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to rehydrate effectively after exercise:

Assess Your Hydration Level: First, gauge your level of dehydration. One quick way to do this is to check the colour of your urine. If it's pale yellow, you are likely well-hydrated. Dark yellow or amber-coloured urine indicates dehydration.

Drink Water: Start by sipping water immediately after your workout. Sip, don't gulp, to avoid overloading your stomach. Continue to drink water throughout the post-exercise period.

Electrolyte-Replenishing Drinks: Consider consuming sports drinks or electrolyte-replenishing beverages if you've engaged in intense or prolonged exercise, especially if you've sweated heavily. These drinks provide essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which can help maintain fluid balance. However, be mindful of the sugar content in some sports drinks and choose low-sugar or homemade alternatives if possible.

Coconut Water: Natural coconut water is a great source of electrolytes and can be an excellent post-exercise rehydration option. It's low in calories and contains potassium, sodium, and magnesium. 

Recovery Smoothies: Blending fruits, yogurt, and a splash of water or milk can make for a tasty and hydrating recovery smoothie. Bananas, which are rich in potassium, are particularly beneficial for muscle recovery.

Eat Hydrating Foods: Consume water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumber, oranges, and strawberries as part of your post-exercise recovery meal or snack.

Monitor Your Progress: Continue drinking fluids and monitoring your urine colour to ensure you are adequately rehydrated. It may take some time, especially after intense or prolonged workouts. 

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. Thirst is a natural indicator that you need fluids, so drink when you feel thirsty.

Hydrate Over Time: Rehydration is not just about the immediate post-exercise period. It's essential to continue hydrating throughout the day to replace any fluid deficit you may have accumulated during exercise. 

Ignoring Thirst Signals

Sometimes, we may not pay attention to our body's signals of thirst. By the time you feel thirsty, you may already be mildly dehydrated. Make it a habit to drink water regularly throughout the day, even when you don't feel thirsty. Keep a water bottle with you to remind yourself to stay hydrated.

When we think about staying hydrated, our focus often falls on what we should be drinking – water, sports drinks, herbal teas, and the like. However, an equally important aspect of proper hydration is what you shouldn't be drinking or consuming in excess. Here's why hydration isn't just about what you drink, but what you don't drink too:

  • Caffeine: As we mentioned above, drinking too much coffee or overdoing it on energy drinks, which contain caffeine, can increase urine production, leading to fluid loss and potentially dehydrating effects. Alcohol is another diuretic substance that can cause fluid loss. It not only leads to increased urination but can also impair your body's ability to regulate fluid balance. This is why you often feel thirsty after consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugary Drinks: Beverages like soda, fruit juices, and certain energy drinks are laden with sugar. Consuming excessive sugar can lead to an increased risk of dehydration, as your body requires more water to process and excrete the sugar.
  • Processed and Fast Foods: Processed and fast foods often contain high levels of sodium, unhealthy fats, and additives that can disrupt your body's hydration balance. These foods can increase thirst and lead to a cycle of consuming sugary or caffeinated beverages instead of water.

If you’re struggling to get into a healthy lifestyle, we’re here to help. Join us for our ALL NEW 21-Day Gut Rebalance Program with nourishing recipes and exclusive expert content to support you on your way to better health. Whether it's constipation, bloating or even stress that's got you down, it could be your gut warning you that you're missing out on the gut-nourishing foods that help us thrive. We'll show you the ins and outs of healing, from the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics to the inflammation-busting foods you should be eating. Take a look at some of the exciting new recipes on the program:

  • Pork Kimchi Dumplings
  • Homemade Sourdough Bread
  • Miso-Baked Salmon
  • Tempeh Satay
  • Chinese Beef + Broccoli
  • Chocolate Chia Smoothie Bowl

And that's not even scratching the surface! We're selling out fast so don't wait, sign up now!

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