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Empowering Children with Mindfulness in an Era of Soaring Stress Levels

As screens compete for your child’s attention and the demands of school weigh heavily on their shoulders, the art of being present often takes a backseat. But the magic of mindfulness lies in its ability to restore this precious quality of presence, offering young minds a sanctuary of stillness amid the noise. Here are 12 easy ways to incorporate mindfulness into your little one’s life today. 

As the modern world whirls with stimuli and pressures – from the COVID-19 pandemic that lingers on to concerns around climate change, family life and school, children are grappling with emotions and stressors that often outpace their developing coping mechanisms. The statistics are sobering: anxiety disorders, depression and attention difficulties are becoming increasingly prevalent. In the face of this, the art of mindfulness emerges not just as a remedy but as a profound tool to equip children with resilience, emotional intelligence and a pathway to a brighter future.

Studies indicate that rates of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents have seen a significant surge in recent years. Factors such as academic pressures, digital overload, and societal expectations have intertwined to create an environment that can take a toll on young minds. While these trends are concerning, they also spotlight the urgency of nurturing children's emotional wellbeing in ways that empower them to face life's challenges with strength and grace.

Enter mindfulness – a practice that doesn't just offer a temporary balm, but a profound shift in how children relate to their experiences. At its core, mindfulness encourages individuals to be fully present in the moment, embracing thoughts and feelings without judgment. For children, this means learning to navigate the tumultuous waters of emotions with a steady hand. By developing the skill of observing their thoughts and sensations without being consumed by them, kids learn to create a buffer between themselves and their emotions. This simple yet transformative practice forms the bedrock of emotional resilience, a trait that's increasingly crucial in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs – it’s also a vital piece of the puzzle that gets left out of the school curriculum!  The power of mindfulness doesn't end with childhood. As children internalise the practice, they're equipped with a toolbox that will serve them well into adolescence and adulthood. The ability to manage stress, regulate emotions, and cultivate a sense of inner calm becomes a lifelong gift. The practice of mindfulness essentially empowers children to become active participants in their own wellbeing, offering them tools to navigate challenges, build healthy relationships, and embrace life with a sense of purpose. This holistic approach to mental health not only addresses immediate concerns but lays the foundation for a future where emotional wellbeing is a priority, and resilience is a way of life. But resilience is like a muscle – it needs to be trained. Here’s how you can help your child get started with some super simple exercises.

Mindful Breathing

 Teach kids to pay attention to their breath. Have them place a stuffed animal or a small object on their belly and guide them to take slow breaths, watching how the object moves up and down with each breath. 

Mindful Listening

Take your child outside and have them close their eyes. Ask them to listen carefully to all the sounds around them, whether it's birds chirping, leaves rustling, or distant cars. After a few minutes, discuss what they heard.

Mindful Eating

Choose a snack like a raisin or a piece of chocolate. Encourage kids to use all their senses while eating it. How does it feel, taste, and smell? This helps them learn to savour their food and eat with awareness.

Nature Walks

Take nature walks and encourage kids to notice the beauty around them – the colours, textures, and sounds. Encourage them to touch leaves, smell flowers, and truly experience their environment.

Mindful Drawing

Provide paper and markers or crayons. Ask kids to draw whatever comes to mind, focusing on the process rather than the end result. Encourage them to notice the colours and movements of their hands. 

Guided Imagery

Lead kids through a guided imagery exercise. Have them lie down and close their eyes as you describe a peaceful place, like a beach or a forest. Encourage them to imagine the sights, sounds, and sensations of that place.

Breathing Buddies

Have kids lie down with a stuffed animal on their belly. Guide them to take deep breaths, making the stuffed animal rise and fall. This helps them learn deep breathing for relaxation. 

Mindful Movement

Practice simple yoga or stretching exercises with kids. Encourage them to pay attention to how their body feels as they move through each pose.

Feelings Jar

Decorate a jar and provide slips of paper. Encourage kids to write down their feelings and put them in the jar. This helps them acknowledge their emotions without judgment.

Gratitude Journal

Provide a notebook for kids to create a gratitude journal. Encourage them to write down things they're thankful for each day. 

Mindful Storytelling

Read a story together and pause at key points to discuss characters' feelings or what might happen next. This encourages active listening and empathy.

Mindful Hikes

If possible, take kids on hikes where they can experience nature's beauty. Encourage them to notice the sensations of walking, the sound of their footsteps, and the scenery around them.

Remember that mindfulness for kids should be fun and engaging. Keep the activities age-appropriate and allow them to explore at their own pace. The goal is to help them develop awareness and presence without any pressure or expectations. While mindfulness is often associated with adult practices, you’ll find its benefits extend gracefully to the realm of childhood, nurturing young minds in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming. Just as we teach our children to brush their teeth and tie their shoes, introducing them to mindfulness equips them with an invaluable life skill that fosters emotional intelligence, focus, and resilience. So, try some of these techniques today and watch your child grow and thrive.

One of the keys to whole-body health is a happy gut. That’s what we’re here for. Our ALL NEW 21-Day Gut Rebalance Program kicks off soon with delicious, nourishing recipes and exclusive expert content to support you on your way to better health. Whether it's constipation, bloating or even stress that's got you down, it could be your gut warning you that you're missing out on the gut-nourishing foods that help us thrive. We'll show you the ins and outs of healing, from the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics to the inflammation-busting foods you should be eating. Take a look at some of the exciting new recipes on the program:

  • Pork Kimchi Dumplings
  • Homemade Sourdough Bread
  • Miso-Baked Salmon
  • Tempeh Satay
  • Chinese Beef + Broccoli
  • Chocolate Chia Smoothie Bowl


And that's not even scratching the surface! We're selling out fast so don't wait, sign up now!

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