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Why Eating Sustainable + Quality Meat Really Matters

What we put on our plates has major sway over the health of our bodies, the planet and the welfare of animals. Meat production is one of the biggest contributors to global warming, pollution and the unethical treatment of animals – but sustainable companies like ButcherCrowd have emerged to unite quality and affordability with ethics and sustainability. Here’s why the type of meat you eat makes all the difference. 

One area where our choices matter greatly is in the type of meat we consume. While meat is a valuable source of essential nutrients, not all meat is created equal. Choosing good meat, such as well-raised, grass-fed, organic and chemical-free options, can have a multitude of benefits for your health and the planet (and for Chicken Little and Babe too!).

Nutrient Density

Meat can be a rich source of vital nutrients, including high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins (such as B12), and minerals (like iron and zinc). These nutrients are crucial for maintaining muscle mass, healthy blood, and overall bodily functions. Grass-fed and organic meats, in particular, tend to have a higher nutritional profile, thanks to the natural diets of the animals and the absence of antibiotics and synthetic hormones.

Ethical Animal Welfare

The conditions in which animals are raised for meat production are an ethical concern for many consumers. Well-raised meat comes from animals that have enjoyed better living conditions, access to the outdoors, and more humane treatment. Choosing these options supports animal welfare and encourages the industry to prioritise ethical practices.

Environmental Impact

Conventional meat production can have a significant environmental footprint, contributing to issues like deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution. Opting for grass-fed or organic meat can have a lower environmental impact. These animals are often raised in more sustainable ways, contributing to reduced carbon emissions and healthier ecosystems. 

Reduced Chemical Exposure

Chemicals such as antibiotics and synthetic hormones are commonly used in conventional meat production to promote growth and prevent disease, and these chemicals can end up in the meat we consume. By choosing organic and chemical-free options, you can minimise your exposure to these substances, which is especially important for those concerned about their long-term health. Some alarming studies show that produce high in pesticides not only slashes their nutritional benefits, but also reduces our defences against cardiovascular disease – and we know that animals fed a high-pesticide diet can go on to affect those who consume these animals. The American Academy of Paediatrics reported that children are exceptionally vulnerable to the toxicity of pesticides, with research finding that early exposure is linked to childhood cancers and reduced cognitive function. Yikes! So whether you’re trying to keep healthy for your own health or you’re worried about your children’s health, your first step is to cut out the exposure to synthetic hormones, chemicals and pesticides by opting for organic, sustainable options.

Better Taste and Quality

Good meat often boasts superior flavour and texture. Grass-fed and well-raised animals tend to produce meat with more complex, natural flavours and better marbling. This can enhance the culinary experience and make meals more enjoyable – here’s how:

  • Less Stress: Ethical practices ensure that animals are treated with care and respect. This leads to less stress and anxiety among the animals, which can result in more tender and flavourful meat. Stress hormones released in animals during conventional farming can affect the taste and texture of the meat.
  • Leaner and Healthier Meat: Sustainable, well-raised animals tend to be leaner and healthier. This can result in meat that is not overly fatty, which can make the flavours more pronounced and enjoyable, and excess fat can often mask the true taste of the meat.

Support Local and Sustainable Agriculture

ButcherCrowd farmers with pasture-raised cattle

When you choose good meat, you're often supporting local farmers who prioritise sustainable and ethical agricultural practices – this helps strengthen local economies and encourages a shift towards more environmentally friendly farming methods. ButcherCrowd is one of the companies working to make sustainable farming more common and accessible for your average Joe. With the average Aussie household of 3 spending $57 every week on meat alone, ButcherCrowd can take that number down to $40, slashing 30% off your weekly shop. 

Sounds good, right? If you’re keen to learn more and enjoy more nutritious, wholesome meals, head on over to ButcherCrowd’s website for all your sustainable, ethical meat and seafood needs – they’ve got a plan for everyone, whether you’re living alone or you’ve got a big family.  

Keen for your FREE eBook of delicious recipes featuring ButcherCrowd cuts? With delicious recipes for every night of the week, you'll be spoilt for choice  from Cajun Slow-Cooked Beef Brisket to Mustard Butter Tiger Prawns.

Head on over HERE to get your own copy. 


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