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Breaking Down the Benefits of Cultured Butter

No, it's not ghee, it's not yoghurt. Cultured butter is a massively underrated fermentation, despite its versatility, taste and health benefits. Let's take a look at a few reasons why it could be a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire.

Cultured butter is, at its essence, a product of patience and precision. It begins with high-quality cream, which undergoes a fermentation process using live bacterial cultures. These cultures transform the cream's sugars into lactic acid, imbuing the butter with a slightly tangy flavour profile. 

The specific bacterial strains used can vary by producer and region, but common lactic acid bacteria found in cultured butter include:

  • Lactococcus: This genus of lactic acid bacteria includes various species, such as Lactococcus lactis. These bacteria play a crucial role in the fermentation process, converting lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid.
  • Leuconostoc: Some cultured butter producers may also use Leuconostoc species, such as Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which contribute to the fermentation and flavour development.
  • Streptococcus: Certain strains of Streptococcus bacteria may be used in the fermentation process to further develop the butter's unique flavour profile.

These live bacterial cultures help give cultured butter its distinct tangy flavour, as they convert lactose into lactic acid. This fermentation process also contributes to the development of the butter's rich and complex taste, setting it apart from regular sweet cream butter. The specific combination and proportions of these bacterial strains can vary, resulting in slight flavour variations among different brands and types of cultured butter. Unlike cream, cultured butter boasts a mild tanginess reminiscent of yoghurt or sour cream. This nuanced taste profile elevates both savoury and sweet dishes, adding depth and character to everything from warm, crusty bread to delicate pastries. But it’s not just about the taste – cultured butter can do a world of good for your health. Here’s how. 


Cultured butter offers potential health benefits due to its unique fermentation process. During fermentation, beneficial probiotic bacteria thrive, which may contribute to a healthier gut microbiome. A well-balanced gut microbiome has been associated with improved digestion, immune function, and even mood regulation – yep, those mood swings are at the mercy of your gut. Some studies suggest that cultured butter may retain more nutrients compared to regular butter during the production process. The beneficial bacteria may protect certain vitamins and minerals from degradation. Lactococcus is often used in the fermentation process and is considered a probiotic; it’s known to support gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and inhibiting harmful pathogens. A healthy gut microbiome, fostered by probiotics like Lactococcus, is closely linked to a well-functioning immune system. Probiotics can modulate the immune response and may help reduce the risk of infections and inflammatory conditions. 

Reduced Lactose Content

The fermentation process also reduces the lactose content in cultured butter, making it a more accessible option for individuals with lactose sensitivity or intolerance – Lactococcus strains can contribute to breaking down lactose. While it's not entirely lactose-free, many people find that they can enjoy cultured butter without experiencing digestive discomfort.

Rich in Vitamins

Butter, in general, is a source of essential vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K2. Cultured butter, with its potential probiotic content, offers an added nutritional dimension. Additionally, the fermentation process may enhance the bioavailability of certain nutrients, making them easier for the body to absorb. Here’s why this is so significant:

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining healthy vision, skin, and the immune system. Because butter is a fat, it can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (and that includes vitamin A), so it's a win, win!

Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium absorption, bone health, and immune function. While butter itself contains only small amounts of vitamin D, some cultured butter products may have slightly higher levels due to the use of specific bacterial cultures during fermentation. However, the contribution of vitamin D from butter is generally minimal compared to other dietary sources like fatty fish and fortified foods.

Vitamin K: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone health. Cultured butter contains vitamin K, and some research suggests that fermented dairy products, in general, may have higher levels of vitamin K2, a form associated with improved bone health and cardiovascular benefits. The bacterial cultures used in culturing butter play a role in converting vitamin K1 into vitamin K2.

Versatile Ingredient for Cooking

If you love whipping that apron on and getting busy in the kitchen, you’ll want to try this fermented wonder. Cultured butter's unique flavour profile makes it a versatile ingredient in both cooking and baking. Its tangy richness complements roasted vegetables, enhances sauces and takes your morning toast to new heights. In baking, it can be the secret ingredient that elevates your pastries and pie crusts to gourmet levels. 

While cultured butter may offer potential health benefits and culinary advantages, it's essential to enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. As with any food product, individual preferences and dietary needs should guide your choices. So, consider adding a pat of cultured butter to your next meal and savour not only its rich flavour but also the benefits it brings to your table. 

Need a little help getting your health back on track? Join us for the 8-Week Program and we’ll help you change the way you look at food – and that doesn’t mean you have to follow restrictive diets or miss out on your favourite foods; we believe you can still enjoy delicious food without jeopardising your health. With celebrity chef Sarah Glover on our panel of experts, you’ll have an array of fun recipes at your fingertips, along with our own exclusive armoury of simple, tasty and healthy recipes for everything from daily meals to impressive entertaining. We know it can be hard to stick to your health goals – especially when you’re trying to manage it alone. When you sign up with us, you’ll have access to clear-cut meal plans, community support and exclusive access to our sugar-free content. Here’s what’s on offer:

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2 Responses

I Quit Sugar

I Quit Sugar

October 06, 2023

Hey Karen, you may be able to find it in your local supermarket, but if not, your nearest health food store should have it! Where are you located? If you’re in Australia, QE Foodstores and Harris Farm stock a good range of cultured butter, while the major supermarkets (Coles & Woolies) sometimes stock it, albeit a smaller range. It’ll be in the fridge section with the dairy/milk products, but in some stores there may be a dedicated health food section. We definitely recommend trying it, really adds something special to a dish!

Karen Beaulock

Karen Beaulock

October 06, 2023

I have not heard of cultured butter before I read this article. Where would I find it? Supermarket/Health Food Shop? If in a supermarket, where? Thank you

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