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These 5 Foods Fight Hair Loss

Clumps of hair in the shower and thinning patches of hair can be an alarming experience – especially when it happens earlier than expected. But it may not actually be permanent, in fact, a few additions to your diet could work wonders.

It's worth noting that there is a correlation between hair health and sugar, as we know too much of the sweet stuff can lead to inflammation and nutrient malabsorption, leaving your locks in distress. 

Our IQS 8-Week Program is designed to help you reduce your sugar intake and been proven to significantly reduce fatigue, inflammation, gut issues, bad skin, bad sleep and SO MUCH MORE! It's because we give you the full tool kit to help you learn more about sugar, what it does to your body and why you should care. Plus, it's delicious! You get full weekly meal plans, recipes, motivation, expert advice and more to help you on your journey to better health. Sign up HERE!

Research shows nutritional deficiencies play a major role in hair thinning and loss, with stress and hormonal changes close behind. Luckily, for some it may be possible to reverse the condition, or stop it from progressing, by making a few changes to your lifestyle – starting with the food you put on your plate.

It’s not just men who experience from hair loss, with an estimated 50% of women facing it. So, for everyone out there wondering what to do next, take a look at few of the foods you might want to pick up on your next supermarket run.


Nuts are little nutritional powerhouses known for their excess of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, iron, biotin and even calcium – pistachios are an especially good source of calcium, packing in 14% of our daily needs in one cup. But the real hero vitamin at play when it comes to hair health – and skin and nail health too – is biotin.

Biotin: Also known as vitamin b7, biotin is essential for the following:

  • A healthy metabolism.
  • Brain and heart function.
  • Immunity.
  • Blood sugar stabilisation.
  • Reducing inflammation.
  • Repairing muscle.
  • Embryonic growth during pregnancy.

It also happens to play a major role in hair health – and this is where nuts come in. Just 2 tablespoons pack in 17% of our daily needs.

Signs that you’re lacking this vitamin include skin rashes, brittle nails and, of course, hair loss. So, pick up some peanut butter next time you hit the shops. Biotin can also be found in egg yolks, oats, bananas and cauliflower.

Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, broccoli and bok choy are some of the greens we turn to for a quick dose of vitamins and minerals. But what you might not know is that studies show these humble veggies can actually promote hair growth. For starters vitamin A and C, iron and folate happen to be generously packed in.

There’s a reason supplements for these are popular, especially vitamin A, which contributes greatly to growth and development. But! Be careful not to go too far the other way – studies have found overdosing on vitamin A can also cause hair loss. To strike the perfect balance, leafy greens pose an affordable, versatile solution. Just a cup of spinach provides 20% of your daily vitamin A intake.

Chlorophyll: This bonus element is present in leafy greens, especially the dark kind. Chlorophyll is not only brimming with vitamin B and E, potassium and calcium – all of which are needed to maintain and repair hair health – but it’s even been shown to slow down greying hair. This powerful nutrient is also found in chlorella and in kiwi fruit and grapes.

What we put on our plates is a major part of managing autoimmune diseases like MS. That's why we're inviting you to come join us for the 8-Week Program. You don’t have to buy exotic ingredients or splash your cash on new appliances; every tool you need, you’ve likely already got, and our ingredients are easily found at your local grocer. Because we know how challenging it can be to make a change in your life, and it’s the little things that make it that much easier (and fun!). Take a look at some of the exciting recipes members enjoy:

  • Kale + Cauliflower Curry Puffs
  • Raspberry Breakfast Muffins
  • Prawn + Mango Tacos
  • Swede + Cannellini Bean Soup
  • Minty Salmon Brain-Boosting Bowl
  • Savoury Crepes
  • Spiced Sicilian Stew


Eggs are small but mighty food sources, packed with vitamin A, E, protein and iron. The latter of which is part of what makes eggs a great addition to any diet, and this is because iron assists red blood cells in transporting oxygen around the body. The results are a more robust growth and repair system for your hair – and for the cherry on top – it’s research-backed too.

Omega 3: This can cause all manner of problems, from inflammation to fatigue, and a deficiency may even lead to Alzheimer's. But what you might not know is that deficiency can also can skin, hair and nail problems. The reason? Omega 3 helps the body absorb vitamins A, B and D – all important for whole-body health. Without these, hair fall and thinning are bound to happen. So, throw some eggs on the frying pan today – but check the back of the pack to see how much omega 3 they’re boasting.

Seaweed, algae oil and fish also pack in a good kick of omega 3s, as do walnuts, flaxseeds and hemp seeds. If it sounds like you haven’t had a hit of this essential fatty acid in a while, this could be the culprit for your hair problems.

Notable Mentions

Curry leaves: Curry leaves are packed with antioxidants and nutrients, with studies saying these leaves protect against oxidative stress, which may also prevent hair thinning. Chew the leaves before eating breakfast for the best results.

Bhringraj powder: Available in both a powder and oil form – you can even put the oil directly on your hair – bhringraj deserves a mention is because it improves blood circulation to the scalp.

Discovering a healthier, happier you has never been easier with the IQS 8-Week Program app. How does it work, you ask? Let's break it down. Personalised programs tailored to your health goals await at your fingertips after your answer a short quiz, and voila – you're matched with the ideal program crafted by the top experts in diet and nutrition.

But that's not all. Need extra support? Say hello to 1-on-1 health coaching. Our dedicated team is here to guide, motivate, and arm you with the tools you need to succeed, every step of the way. Plus, with personalised meal planning and instant grocery lists, mealtime stress becomes a thing of the past. Easily track macros and calories with a single click, and dive into a treasure trove of delicious, easy-to-make recipes for every meal of the day. But perhaps the best part? You're never alone on your journey. Join our amazing community for unwavering support, hundreds of hours of instructional videos, and stay on track with supportive emails, notifications, and easy-to-do tasks. With the IQS 8-Week Program app, achieving your health goals has never been more achievable – or enjoyable.  

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1 Response



May 07, 2024

Sounds great

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