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Whether you’re at work, studying at home or juggling family responsibilities, it’s easy to fall prey to the lure of ultra-processed foods – these are readily available on supermarket shelves and deceptively cheap. But they come with a cost to your health. Here are 3 easy ways to slash your intake of these unhealthy foods.

Most of us have cellulite – and there’s nothing wrong with it! – but if you’ve recently noticed it cropping up on more areas of skin, there could be a more serious issue at play. This lumpy, bumpy texture is one of the more visible signs of an impaired lymphatic system. Here are our top 5 foods to get those lymph drainage pathways moving.

Are you eating to support your lymphatic system? We’ll be diving into the 8 lymph drainage pathways in the body – all of which are essential for staving off infections, inflammation and preventing a host of chronic conditions. Here’s everything you need to know about these pathways – including the signs they’re blocked up, plus which foods will give them a much-needed boost.

It’s not just your liver you have to watch out for when you overdose on sugar – your kidneys are at risk too. Here are 7 signs of kidney disease to look out for, plus we take a dive into sugar's role in all of this.

One alarming study found that around half of adult type 2 diabetics aren’t even aware they’re suffering from the condition – that’s around 232 million people living unknowingly with a life-threatening condition. We’ll be unpacking how this is possible, plus what you can do to reduce your risk of developing the condition.

You’re heading to your favourite Italian restaurant for the first time since quitting sugar but you’re not sure how to navigate the menu – from lasagne and carbonara to gelato and tiramisu, it’s some tricky territory. Don't worry –  we’ve been there, and that's why we'll be sharing our top tips for eating out at an Italian restaurant without sacrificing the progress you’ve made.

From kormas to chickpea curries, Indian cuisine is one of the most versatile, adaptable and nutritious options out there. But when you’re going out to eat, things can be a little harder to navigate – with just a few poor choices, you may end up leaving the restaurant with soaring blood sugars and a craving for more. Here’s how to navigate your way through an Indian restaurant – from the drinks to the desserts, we’ve got you covered.

Your local pub is the classic spot for Friday-night drinks, catch-ups with relatives and affordable dinners for lazy Sunday nights – but from the deep-fried fish and chips to the chocolate mousse, it can be some sugary territory. Here’s your comprehensive guide to getting through the night unscathed, from drinks to dessert.

There’s a condition that mimics the symptoms of big players like arthritis, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome – so before you go self-diagnosing, it’s worth looking into fibromyalgia. This criminally underdiagnosed condition can be easy to miss – here are 5 surprising signs you’ve got it, plus the role diet can play.

Alarming research shows Aussies are throwing back ultra-processed foods at higher rates than ever, and these dietary choices have been directly linked with the obesity crisis plaguing the country – and the world.

A long, relaxing session in the sauna can be just what the doctor ordered for your tired muscles and aching joints – but there’s an emerging type of sauna on the horizon leaving its conventional counterpart in the dust when it comes to health benefits. Here are 3 reasons to add this relaxing treatment to your self-care checklist.

We’re thrilled to introduce our new partner, Tiny Tea Kids, along with their inspiring collection of innovative tea flavours. With a vision for bringing exciting, nutritious and kid-friendly drinks to the market – minus the sugar overload – these guys are anything but tiny.

I Quit Sugar Slow Cooker Recipes

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